Friday 10 July 2015

Diet with Balance

"Lets grab a burger or a sandwhich". "I am craving for pasta today and I have worked so hard", "lets just eat anything as long as it doesn't make us sleep, there is a lot of work to do", "Grab me that pepsi, I can't have my pizza without it". Can you relate to all of this at work. We just consume anything as long as we tick and suddenly when there is a friends wedding or some jeans to be bought you realize with shock and horror that within three months you put three kg's and then suddenly you stave yourself to death as guilt consumes you. Next day on you survive purely on coffee and that makes you tick, you avoid all kinds of fried and oily food and that's good, but you eat too less and feel low on energy. You are not as smart , attentive and focused as you only thing about the hunger pang in your being most of the time. Can you do this for long? No! So one day you realize much to your horror again that your performance has dropped and you are far from that promotion or the position you have been eyeing. Your career graph goes downhill and you think what for? You choose work over yourself and the result alarms you again into a crash diet. This cycle continues each time but you don't end up loosing weight, looking and worse feeling terrible about yourself. Sometime you develop deficiency when on diet. All of this just tell you one thing "Crash diet is not the solution".

Our body is like the machine and food is its fuel. It cannot function without food as that is our energy source. So stopping to eat altogether is the greatest punishment for your body and in the long run does more harm than good. So the most important thing to understand is to always eat a balanced diet. They tell you that low on carbs is the way to go , but have you ever thought why you feel dizzy when you are low on carbs or rather technically and accurately carbohydrates? That is because the fuel that can give you energy fastest are carbohydrates. Simple sugars like glucose and fructose. Therefore fruit juices are recommended. Think of this, when you faint or feel dizzy what do they give you? Glucose! So now I think the point is clear that you do need carbohydrates although you should avoid eating too much sugar as these later get converted into fats and are stored in the body. Eating at regular intervals also thus helps. 

So what should ideally be a healthy, wholesome diet? One that has Carbohydrates so cereals, protein therefore pulses, vitamins and minerals hence green leafy vegetables and nuts. Although apart from all of these there is also honey that should be included in diet. Honey is an instant source of energy as it has raw sugars. It has added anti-microbicidal, antibiotic activities. It can also be added to foods like your breakfast cereal, your fruit bowl or that lemonade. Some reports also suggest that about three weeks helps you reduce an ounce. 

To know more about the benefits of honey from a brand I have trusted always - Dabur, please visit their site and do let me know in your comments if you now are convinced to have a balanced diet with honey.

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